Exclusive Melt Chandelier by Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Studio at Twenty 

Tom Dixon was founded in 2002 with a lofty goal: to revive the British furniture industry. Even as it was founded, the company already had a sort of rebellious, inventive reputation based on the preceding career of the man himself. Dixon, a self-taught designer and welder first burst onto the scene in 1987 with his S-chair for Cappellini.

Tom Dixon Studio at Twenty 

Tom Dixon was founded in 2002 with a lofty goal: to revive the British furniture industry. Even as it was founded, the company already had a sort of rebellious, inventive reputation based on the preceding career of the man himself. Dixon, a self-taught designer and welder first burst onto the scene in 1987 with his S-chair for Cappellini.

"I’m not very good at being told what to do..."

-Tom Dixon

A Retrofuturespective:
20 Years of Tom Dixon Studio

From a funk band’s bass-playing backbone to designer extraordinaire, Tom Dixon has always been a bit of a rebel. The self-taught design icon jumped from performing on stage to odd jobs—like machine shop technician at the Chelsea School of Art, coloring animation film frames (by hand) and spinning records for socialite-filled nightclubs—until the mid-eighties, when he struck out into the world of design. Twenty years after founding his eponymous brand, we’re taking a look at where Dixon has been and where his self-forged path will take him next.

Two Decades of Design:
Tom Dixon Studio

At Tom Dixon Studio, metallic orbs glow translucent in the night, stone sculptures take on multi-colored swirls in a top-secret process, and brass vessels that once carried water are transformed into givers of light. While the eponymous founder says he stumbled into his line of work quite by accident, the same cannot be said for the highly intentional, studiously conceptualized designs created by Tom Dixon Studio.


Obsessed with materiality and manufacturing, Tom Dixon Studio is a home for makers of extraordinary objects. Since opening in 2002, the British luxury brand has captivated audiences all over the world with their ever-contemporary, ever-surprising designs—these are just a few of our favorites.

From The Network

In Conversation:
Tom Dixon and Mayer Rus

Recently, Lumens hosted Tom Dixon and West Coast Editor of Architectural Digest, Mayer Rus at the SmogShoppe in Los Angeles’ Culver City to celebrate 20 years of Tom Dixon Studio. The conversation spanned Dixon’s illustrious career, why he’s never been good at doing what he’s told and the latest innovations in design that he is pioneering.


Watch the whole conversation on The Network.

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